Among fighting, a good fighting stance, the JONG is crucial to win the combat. JONG means a stance that allows you to stand strong and you are able to defend and reverse most style of fierce attack.
Let’s use Muay Thai as an example, feets are pointing about 90 degrees from each other with both legs open about 60 degrees from the ground allows your body mass stabilized like a pyramid. This stabilization prevents you from falling down when getting hit. Plus, arms are exclusively assigned to protect head and neck while any body part below nipple (or the elbow of a raised arm) are to be protected by shins. This is the JONG of Muay Thai and developing onward, any blocking, defending or reversal technique in Muay Thai cannot violate the above design of the Muay Thai JONG.
Jeet Kune Do is another example of good and well-rounded JONG. JKD has a close quarter battling advantage developed from Wing Chun. It stands with thighs open in 135 degree, Au Lau Sau (Wing Chun quick hand) defending head to chest mostly by rear arm with the assistance of front arm. JKD develops vertical defending lines and various reaction shall be taken once opponent’s attack passed these defending lines.
However, I could have found many Kung Fu system do not have an effective or even just a unique JONG. Therefore, I really doubt if Bruce Lee has found this problem as well thus he developed JKD for Kung Fu performers to borrow for performing their own arts. As I could remember, He has announced that JKD could fit in any system. (以無法為有法﹐以有限為無限 means using no system as good system, using limited technique as unlimited technique, an inspirational and encouraging soundbite)